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Crypto Administrators

PMplus® for Digital Assets

PMplus® can be utilized as the asset account administration system for Digital Assets/Crypto and is designed for both Fund Administrators and Wealth Managers that need to account for crypto as an asset class – either mixed asset or crypto-specific. PMplus handles a complete range of funds types from public to private as well as separately managed portfolios. (See Solutions for Asset Managers for further details).

Our flexible modules, including comprehensive fund administration capabilities, can be tailored to your specific needs. At the heart of our solution is an integrated ‘Accounting/Investment Book of Record’ module, which seamlessly connects all selected components such as Investment Compliance.

For Crypto assets we can routinely handle all required decimal places (e.g. Bitcoin uses 8 decimals, while most ERC-20 coins such as Ethereum are divisible to 18 decimal places).

Crypto asset transactions can be established via our own OMS capability or can be imported on a T+1 basis (or more frequently if required) via a ‘custodian/broker’ interface from the relevant custodian, broker or API direct from the Crypto exchange.

We have established Digital Asset pricing interfaces or APIs both to mainstream data vendors as well as to specialists such as Coinbase. Pricing can be scheduled for injection several times a day or in near-real time, depending on your specific business need.

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