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Trustee and Fiduciary

STP has developed a comprehensive set of services for operators of Trustee and Fiduciary businesses, including:
- Trustee/Depositary services fully deliverable on a basis covering all global time-zones in a single instance. Our application is multi-lingual throughout including double-byte characters.
- Flexible access controls between horizontal views (typically operational centers of excellence) and vertical views of permissioned jurisdictions (typically Chief Trust Officer or local staff)
- Cash Flow Monitoring (outlier identifier and workflow resolution) with multiple filtered sets and Boolean operators to provide a workable list of outlier transactions for compliance case review and approval.
- Advanced OCR capabilities to read both confirmations, statements and reports, but also to parse longer and less-structured documents such as fund prospectus and regulatory reports.
- Comprehensive “Investment Book of Record”, with consolidation/ reporting and storage of constituent asset documentation, along with unit and asset reconciliation.
- Virtual NAV estimation based on prior day NAV components and applicable indices, plus today’s cash; re-priced NAV through price scrubbing; or, full NAV replication services.
- ESG compliance and reporting – full suite capabilities including ingestion of any vendor or manager ratings. ‘Point in time’ compliance reviews as well as ‘current status’ available.
- Compliance Exception/Breach Hub provides a facility to either calculate potential exceptions/breaches directly from an IBOR or, to upload notifications from upstream compliance systems to enable identification of themes and trends. Analytics with comprehensive reporting can be provided to third-parties by a secure web link.
See article:The Fund Depositaries / Trustees need to adapt their operating model
See article:Evolution or Revolution? The Future is Now for the Depositary
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